Last week we featured a story on the success of the DHA and Raiders co-branded beanies, which were sold at 2015 home games for a gold coin donation. $20,000 was raised from the sales with all funds going towards supporting Soldier On, an independent charity that supports the physically and psychologically wounded men and women of our defence force.
Tony Pelling and Barbara Trewin are diehard Raiders members who have been purchasing the beanies and taking them on their travels to Bali. With a large number of friends in Bali, Tony and Barbara have been giving the beanies out, much to the delight of their friends.
According to Tony and Barbara the number of Raiders supporters in Bali is increasing rapidly, with many now watching the games on cable TV. Even with most struggling to fully understand the rules, they still remain passionate and enthusiastic supporters.
Tony and Barbara purchased 40 beanies in 2015 that they will give to their friends in Bali when they return in 2016. They also plan to take a number of Raiders stickers for friends to put on their motorbikes, a great idea to further increase the Raiders profile in Bali.
Thank you to Tony and Barbara for sending through their pictures and taking their support of the Raiders worldwide! They are both perfect examples of fans who bleed green and are commited to increasing the Raiders profile internationally.
CLICK HERE to read more about the Raiders and DHA supporting Soldier On.