The Canberra Raiders are delighted to announce that the club has reached 10,000 Members for the 2018 season.
The milestone comes just a week before Christmas and to celebrate, the club randomly selected some lucky Members and their families to present them with a special Christmas hamper.
Raiders players Charlie Gubb, Nick Cotric and Paul Roache were on hand at Raiders HQ to present the hampers to the Members.

Sue and Bill who have been Members for 30 years since the Raiders were playing at Seiffert Oval were on hand to collect their hamper and enjoy being apart of the green machine family as Members.
“We have been members since season tickets were introduced, we currently sit in Bay 55 with all our family and friends,” Bill said.
“It’s great to see Membership increasing each year and we really love the concept of the Viking clap which has been awesome,” Sue said.
Rob and his wife Crystal were on hand at Raiders HQ to collect their hampers and are very proud Members of the Raiders family.
“I’ve been always been a big supporter of the Raiders but it wasn’t until I met my wife when I became a Member,” Rob said.
“We have been to quite a few away games and we love taking the kids to all the home matches, it’s a great thing to do as a family.”
“Raiders games always have a great atmosphere and it’s great to simply get behind our local team.”