As announced by the Chief Minister today the ACT will enter a seven day lockdown from 5:00pm today (THURSDAY). This decision is a result of a positive COVID-19 case in the Territory who has been infectious whilst in the community, and positive wastewater detections. The source of the infection is not currently known.
As noted by the Chief Minister this is by far the most serious public health risk the ACT has faced in the past 12 months, and that’s why a strict lockdown has been introduced in response to this positive case.
During this time Canberrans are being asked to only leave their homes for essential reasons.
- To shop for essentials like groceries and medicine and supplies that are essential for personal needs or for vulnerable people
- To obtain essential health care, including to undertake a COVID-19 test or receive a scheduled COVID-19 vaccination
- To exercise outdoors for no more than one hour per day, with one other person, or your household group
- To provide essential caregiving services
- To undertake essential work
Community sport is not considered an essential reason – competition and training activities, both indoors and outdoors, should not occur in accord with health directions. This includes any coaching/professional service, including where it is on an individual basis.
Indoor sporting facilities, including pools, gyms and dance facilities, should not open.
ACT Government sportsgrounds are closed from 5:00pm tonight.
We know the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health. Outdoor exercise, for no more than one hour a day, can continue provided that this is with no more than one other person or only with members of your direct household.
To limit the movement of people within the ACT any outdoor exercise should be within your immediate home region/district (eg Belconnen, Tuggeranong, Weston Creek). While some sports like tennis, rowing and golf may consider that participation can continue within the parameters of these guidelines, advice is that for this immediate seven day lockdown people look to pursue alternate forms of localised physical activity.
For what has been more than 12 months our sporting community has come together to help keep Canberra safe – we have conformed with evolving health directions, actively supported the Check-In CBR App and as required, modified our activities to help our community keep active and keep safe.
We are now being asked to pause for this immediate seven day period, working within our families, clubs and communities to try and address this most current public health risk.
The ACT Government has a dedicated COVID-19 website for all information about the health response to the pandemic in the ACT. For further information visit www.covid19.act.gov.au.
If you have further queries or would to discuss this please contact rebecca.kelley@act.gov.au or wayne.lacey@act.gov.au/ 02 6207 2080